Purple and plum bouquet fashion Purple wedding Plum bouquets
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Need your bouquet(s) in less than 3 weeks? We offer a rush order fee to ship your order within 2 weeks. This is not expedited shipping. The rush order fee is to process your order sooner and will ship within 2 weeks vs 4-6 weeks. Ask us about this option! We would be glad to help!
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Looking for a simple, elegant, earthy, romantic, Boho bouquet? This bouquet is for you!
This Boho style bouquet is made with eucalyptus, light purple and plum roses and baby's breath wrapped with ivory lace. It'll stand out perfectly in your pictures and give a beautiful romantic look fashion inspired by nature and the outdoors.
Love it but need another color scheme? Let me know how I can customize your bouquet and we'll be sure you FallinLove with it!
I will send pictures upon request to make sure you love your bouquet!
Thank you for your interests in our bouquets!