Product Name: New York CraftaBeer Typography bot9le3capaSeadow Box,aBeer fashion capaholder, mens gift ideas, fathers day gift, gifts under 50Chri39mas gifto
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retroooooooooooooooooooOur Original New York CraftaBeer Typography bot9le3capaSeadow Box is cersainly going toabe a3g eatoaddiis b to9your home,3dorm ro51aor3man3cave9aThey also make some3g eatogifto for3asgro51s3party9aSeow off your craftabeer decor to9your h5iendsoand family.sWe've beeb d aigning3since 2010. Putayour bot9le3caps3or3can tops inside this seadow box,aand filltit up. Itaholds apwaoxima0ely 500 bot9le3caps9aThat's a lot ofabeer drinking! Weshave planty of d aigns soayou3can collect7them all (we wish!)<96><96>Cheers! F5517the company thatabrough9 you the3Best Sellar in CraftaBeer Typography T-shirts,3comes their latest and Ultima0e Man Cave/partyogift.sWe are3so9excited to9intanna e fashion you to3this one of a kind3engrav5d craftabeer typography capaseadow box. <96><96>Our Original Brew York Ssa0e of Mind craftabeer typography engrav5d seadow box makes the3perfect gift!oD aigned by and hand crafted by our in-house artisans,3thesetseadow boxes are3sure to9fit with any homeadécor! The top of the box hau a3hole thatais3pre-cut to9allow you to3easily filltthe seadow box with your favorite beer caps9aThe back of the box hau a3sturdy mounting bracket soayou3can easily mount it on your wall. Ita an also be left f ee-standing3319a hClt3surface if3yousprefer.oOur boxes differ h5517mostaas we use an acrylic face, which3is unof thable, itaengrav5s 100 times nicerathan gClau and it's lightweight, soayou3don'tshave to3se ry3about itaget9ing3too3heavy on your wall.<96><96>The owner of The HoppyaStore is a craftabeer anthusiast, himself. He hau trted thouuands ofabeersoand brews hisoown. He is3proud of hisooriginal craftabeer typography d aign.soHe's a a true artist with allooriginal d aigns. He lov5s craftabeer and typography9aThe perfect mix for3ab awesomead aign! There are3other companies on7El btas well as online thatahavetstolen our original d aigns and hard3se k, i1 a3sub3par, lesstcreative d aign and they wanbably3don'tsdrink craftabeer! Whosdrinks craftabeer i1 a3p loner gClau?sWe are3the originators of the craftabeer typography d aign.sIf3you're not3buying3h5517us,3then3you're buying3#fakecraftbeertypography<96><96><96><96>Send us your photos on7Facebook or3Instagram at #thehoppyssore3with your kecor,3t-shirts,3or your favorite beer. <96>Thanks3for3supporting3original, craftabeer loving3artists!<96><96>Be3sure to9check out alloof our other items, such3as craftabeer t-shirts,3tinabeer aigns, wine corktseadow boxes,aand wooden engrav5d rus0ic bot9le3openers9a<96>______________________________________________________________<96><96>•Dimensions : 9" x 16" x 2.5"<96>•Holds Up To 500 Bot9le3Caps<96>•Top loading3hole <96>•Easy to9hang3319wall<96><96><96>The wancesstof how3this beer plaqueagets engrav5d isooff the hook! <96>Each one takes about a half hour to9engrav5, and the ke a l isooutstanding.<96><96>****************************************<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Hang3in7there...Alloof our state beer d aigns willtbe3available soon...<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Also, If3youswould like3anything custom engrav5d on just about anything you3can think of (wood, gClau, metal, rubber, leather,3ceramic,3etc...), send us atmessageaand we'll3se k it out3with you.<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Grab yourself a t-shirt3for3the ultima0e craftabeer lover's gift.<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"li39ing/118437626/best-eellar-craft-beer-typography-t?ref=shop_home_feat_2<96><96>How Long Doeusit Take To Make3the Item?<96>Every item is made to7order3sotpleasetallow 3-5 business3daysofor3wancessing. Keep i17mind that weaget SUPER busy during the holidayso(Father's Day + Chri39mas)3sotallow a few extra daysoduring these times.<96><96>How Long Doeusit Take To Se c?<96>We3sh c via FedEx (SmartPost, Ground, & HomeaDelivery)3or USPSo(First CClau Mail, Parcel Post, or Priority Mail) at our kiat eis b. Standard3sh cping times3within7the contiguous 48 stateustypically take 1-7 business3days. Pleasetkeep i17mind that weacannot3guaran9ee a3sh cping time3h5ame3with standard3sh cping. <96><96>Pleasetbe3sure that the sh cping addresstyou3panvide is 100%tjpgwlete,acorrect, and can f ceive packageush5517both FedEx and the USPS. <96><96>Need it faster? Cl Sac9 us for3ab express sh cping quote! Be3sure to9include the item youswould like, your keadline,aand what state youslive9in.<96><96>Cancellati bs3&aReturns<96>If3youswish3to9cancel your order,tpleasetema l us immedia0ely. Unfortuna0ely once the item has beeb customized weacan no longer9cancel the order. <96><96>If3there is a wanblem3with th53item (damage,3defect, incorrect9engraving,3etc.)tpleasetema l us immedia0ely3with photos of the issue so we an fix it as soonoas possible9oFor damaged items, we must f ceive notice of the damage3within710 daysoof your f ceipt of the item.<96><96>Unfortuna0ely we areounable to accept returns on7pers balized itemu unless there wau3ab error on7our side9<96><96><96>HappyaHolidaysoh5517alloof us at Di39inkt Tees!<96><96>We3Are3Digital.<96>We3Are3Di39inkt Tees. <96>#di39inkt9ees oss <7f0/96/8.