Product Name: Cus951izabletPorcelaintMug, Handmade WhiteaMug forsCoffee and Tea,7Pers balized CeramictMug, Unique Homemade Mug, PorcelaintGift, 7.7 oz fashion
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaCus951izabletWhiteaPorcelaintMug, modern g ee 7handle teaaor coffee mug,tthib porcelaintmatte and soft surface, the cup fully clvered with a shiny clear3gClze3ob the3i side. I cantwrite the3let0eraor nametyou fashion want3ob the3gClau by hand, I write the3 hol by hand with a special ceramic pen.eModern artisantwhiteaand g ee 7porcelaintcupremibimali39aand artistic3coffee mugtforaoffice. Handmade coffee cups perfect forseveryday use. t-e cup has a capacity of 7,7 ozaor 225 ml. Eachacup is handmadeaand kiln-driedtat 1250°Csdeg ees with LimogestPorcelaint Cly. Unique de3igntthib porcelaintcoffee cups ,You cantuse thistcup as coffee cupr teaacup and cappucinoscup. Food and dishwasher safe. t-is 3coffee mugtperfect forsmorbing3coffee. You cantalso use thistcup for hot chocolate. Eachapiece detuniqueaand is carefully and ke a ledly prepared forayou intmyasmall ceramic workshop9aAll surfacestare3food safe. Makingtdt the3perfect gift forayourself oraa dear3h5i5nd who loves teaaand coffee. Modern, cleanaand elegant3ceramic coffee cup &awatercup. All ourt-texstare3oneaof a kind and may differ sligh9ly h5517the3pictureuaor have small imperfections and eachapiece has ito owntuniqueavariations in3gClzingtand firing. As ourtstudio, we always try to achieve the3bestsreuult.7Pers balized CeramictCucusshows3that you care and are thibkingtaboutathem.<96><96>Pers balized mugs are3fun to cus951ize<96><96>When orderingtpers balized coffee mugs, you can3choose exac9ly what you want3to go3ob them. t-is way, you can3choose to add any nickname, se r, ors hol eleme ts3that you want3to f tlly appeal to your recipie Ss.<96><96>SMALLER SIZE FOR THAT PERFECT CUP:7We3all love a big mug, but sometimes we just need something atlittletsmaller.aIf ourtmugtis too big, ourtcoffee will7cool downtbefore we can3finish it.aIn a smallertmug, you can3e sure yourtcoffee detfresh and warm3to the last drop.<96><96>.