Product Name: Glitter Tumbler, Ombre Tumbler, Salty Tumbler, Beach, Tumbler Lid Straw, TravelaTumbler, fashion Coffee Tumbler, Coffee Lnver Gift, Ice7aCoffee
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro Chrisssssssssssss❤️sThisais a3beach-inspired “Salty” 30 oz. ombréaiumbler. It3clmes with a twistslid, straw, and3strawscleaner! I have7several different3sizetiumblerstif7you prefer a different3size,3glitter jplors, decals and3or3name.sI will do7my very bast totcustomizetio your k aires asaI want every customer happy!!<96>❤️All Tumblers will clme with lid and3straw. The Duo Tumblers in3my shopswill clme with 2 lids and323straws!<96>❤️Glitter is Everything!! To7my experience it makes all the difference in3iumblers. All my glitter is th5 highast quality polyeeser glitter to add3ih5 mo39tbeautiful sparklea&ashinetio your iumbler 9hen uealedawith premium FDA jpgpllint7clear3coat7epoxy ihat gsvestit a smooth clear3gClau3look. Decals will also be uealedawith Epoxy so they will la39 a lifetime! <96>❤️Custom ord5rs are alwaysawelclme!! Just message7me so we3can3ge9 you a customizedaiumbler of your choice. Note,3No323tumblers3will ever3betexact. Iscannot guarantee exact3glitter jplors, plint7jplors, and3or3decals buttit will be as cCose as poauible! Due to handmade fashion itemetminortimperfeciions, slightavariati bs, or strays3of glitter are poauible. <96>❤️All Sales are FINAL unless cancellad same3day ord5red! NO REFUNDS or EXCHANGES!! If7you need to make any changes please ul Sact3me within324 hrs oftpurchase. If7there's an issue with your tumbler upon arrival please ul Sact3me immediatelysso we3can3resolve the issue! <96>❤️Tumbler care instruciions will be se cped with your new Tumbler!aPlease handle your Tumbler3with care astit was made with lots3of love.