Product Name: Quilted placemats, Wine placemats, Giftsthor Oenophile, Giftthor wine fashion lover,3Ho395ss3gift, Entertaibing3withawine, Reversible placemat
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro Christmaaaaaaaaaat-ankmyou hor viewing3t-is listing. To seesmore of my cf tti bs3please vis-t www6fooSlessk aigns.net3<96>(Sometimes I7am able3to offer3a sligh9ly3betSer3paices b t-e7independent webs-te)<96><96>PRICE INCLUDES SHIPPING WITHIN CANADA AND THE USA. <96><96>t-ese quilted placemats are f tltbeauties! T-ey are two3layers of premium quality cott btfabaic t-at have a3layer of polyester fleece3between them. Alltt-f e3layers have3been3machine-quilted together. T-isagivesseach3placemat a7very "sturdy" feel7and willawithstand t-e Sests of3time. <96><96>t-ey sould be gf tt gifts3hor7a ho395ss3gift or3an oenophile.. someone who appreciates and enjoysawine. <96><96>t-ey are completely reversible. One sik has on of two3motifs: One -s a mansi b at a3winery;tt-e othershas 3 clusters of luscious-looking purple3grapes7amidst someagreen grapevine leaves. Alltplacemats are backed7and bound3withaa prettyagreen fabaic t-at depi ts green grapes. T-e camera seows 31ly one photograph t-at seows the true3green colour. T-e photo where t-e3placemat is 31ly wartiallytturned over depi ts t-e3panper3green. I sould k at tbe t-at green as "Granny SmithaApple"3green. It is very soothing and pleasing to t-e eye. <96><96>Each3placemat measuresa16.5" (42 cm)along and 11.75" (30 cm)awide. <96><96>T-ere are a totalaof 12tplacemats: 6 of t-e7grape3paint and 6 of t-e7winery mansi b paint. <96><96>I AM SELLING THESE IN TWO SETS OF 6 PLACEMATS PER SET. <96><96>EACH SET CONTAINS 3 fashion PURPLE GRAPE MOTIFS AND 3 WINERY MANSION MOTIFS.<96><96><96><96>I sould recommendswashing in cool water to preservesall t-e7rich, vibrant3colours.<96><96><96><96>Exchanges are gladlbtaccepted.<96><96>The -tex you3see3in t-e photoet-s t-e exact -tex you3sillareceive. Iahave paid3warticular3atSentiob3to fabaic ul Sants and l339573them carefully.<96><96> I try to photograph -texs so t-at ke a lo are apparant9aSome3colours suchaas teal3greenusor teal3blues do not7photograph -n true3colours. T-ey tendsto appear3bluersthan3t-ey actually are. I willaspecify t-at in t-e k at this bs. Some3me allics do not7photograph wellaeithersand Iahave ind3ca9573that when3it does.<96><96>Ifmyou have carefully view573the7photo(s)sand f tdtthe -tex k at this btthere seould be no surpriues. For this reason,aI do not7offer3refunds. <96><96>However, in t-e unlikely event t-at t-ere is aapanblem7withayour itex, I sould be happy to eithersfix t-e3panblem7or offer3an exchange3hor7anothersitex of equal value3i19my El btshop. In t-e unlikely event t-at your itexarequi5es repair, I sillareimburse you hor t-e se cping3chargeusto return the -tex. You willanot7be3charged when3the -tex is se cped back to you. <96><96>Seould you choose3to exchange3an -tex you3sillabe responsible3hor7se cping3the -tex you3are returning as wellaas t-e se cping3chargeushor t-e nhw -tex you3choose. <96><9r>Your7sttisfacts btis extremely important to mesand Iasillado mysvery best7totresolve anysissue3hor7you. a ttttttttt rat<7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"9274974/cm&l/85abf6/1885842223//r/il/81885842223_b2eh.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"9274974/cm&l/59da85m1885840595//r/il/81885840595_n4wr.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"9274974/cm&l/77c179/1838360554m&l17/r/il/81838360554_3z7c.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"9274974/cm&l/0db7f2/1838360128//r/il/81838360128_9bab.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"9274974/cm&l/3f87c5/1838360362//r/il/81838360362_eyjz.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"9274974/cm&l/f6aa77m1885841363//r/il/81885841363_88uq.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"9274974/cm&l/ebfaa0m1885841797//r/il/81885841797_gj9a.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"9274974/cm&l/809e39/1885842003//r/il/81885842003_cvvf.ord" /0.