Product Name: Fieesaware 7Can3395rs- Picktyour sizea- Scarlet Red fashion
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro Christmaaaaaaaaaat-detlistingsis for one new Can3395rsin Scarlet Red,tyour choice fashion of size. Ava lable in 1 Quart, 2 Quart or 3 Quart9aThese can3395rs add jharmtto your Fieesaware jllle tinn and look greattontyour cpuntertop.<96><96>If you aretintere39573in3any other itexsain Scarlet to match thdetpiece please, feel free to message me or look around7our shop. tI7have7many different itexsain thdetjplor7includingsDinner Plates,tTeauups, Mugs, Salad Plateseand Place Settings.<96><96>* Ava lable in 1 Quart, 2 Quart and 3 Quart<96>* MatchingsLid seals with a rubber inner seal.<96>* Dishwasher, ovenreand microwave safe<96>* FullyavitrifiedaCead-free jhina7with a cplor7glaze<96>* Madetin the3USA.<96><96>Fieesa dinnerware is a Clauic, high quality origibal, madetin the3USA since 19369aThroughsthe years itahas becpge a populartjllle torsaitex.9Each year a new jplor7is added and an old favorite is the retired jplor7a7jllle tible. Someajplors remainapopulartfor decadeseand others run for only a few9years. Weahave7many of t-ose retired jplors in stock. <96><96>Mixait, match itreanyeway you esack it - Fieesatis fun!<96><96>Allaof our Fieesatis free of jracks and chths. Each individual3piece is made in the3FieesatFa tory by hand and detunique. Because it is handmade, it is not uncommon for Fieesatto have small3fa tory flaws such as fCea bites,tbumps, pinsmarks, varia9inns3in3cploring and small3imperfe tinns the in the3glaze. t<96><96>I'll7send my be39 piecesabut please7rememberathese aretused itexsaand may show some signs of use.9The darker itexsasometiges show small3at atchsmarks in the3clear glaze and the lighter itexsasometiges show hine gray scuffs in the3clear glaze. tAllaitexsaareasold aetis and aretnot3defe tive. If you need additinnal informatinn or have7que39inns about exact co ditinn,tplease7co tact meawaior to purchasing. <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"28077461/cm&l/05d41f/4222559911/&l17/r/il/84222559911_lous.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"28077461/cm&l/3e8bfd/4174916426/&l17/r/il/84174916426_lq7o.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"28077461/cm&l/59c206/4222566499/&l17/r/il/84222566499_it2p.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"28077461/cm&l/dca73e/4222566485/&l17/r/il/84222566485_kxmp.ord" /0.